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Search results for epsilon,419 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,419
Translated headword: armistice, holiday, rest
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] relaxation, inactivity, agreement, submission, refraining from war.
The postponement of war for a short time, and tranquility. From the holding back [
e)/xein] of the hands [
xei/ras], being a sort of 'handholding' [
Josephus [writes]: "as if fused to their weapons they never take a rest from their training."[1]
Greek Original:*)ekexeiri/a: a)/nesis, a)rgi/a, sunqh/kh, e)/ndosis, a)noxh\ pole/mou. h( pro\s o)li/gon xro/non tou= pole/mou a)nabolh\ kai\ h(suxi/a. para\ to\ e)/xein ta\s xei=ras, e)xexeiri/a tis ou)=sa. *)iw/shpos: w(/sper toi=s o(/plois sumpefuko/tes ou)de/pote th=s a)skh/sews lamba/nousin e)kexeiri/an.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 30 October 2006@12:56:48.
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