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Search results for epsilon,410 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,410
Translated headword: the culture has been cut out
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They say that whereas the ancients engaged in philological enquiry during their symposia, their successors introduced the singing-girls and kithara-girls and dancing-girls. Hence some people used to use this saying when criticizing innovation.[1]
Greek Original:*)ekke/kofq' h( mousikh/: fasi\n o(/ti tw=n palaiw=n e)n toi=s sumposi/ois filolo/gw| zhth/sei xrwme/nwn, oi( u(/steron ta\s mousourgou\s kai\ kiqaristri/as kai\ o)rxhstri/as e)peish/gagon. o(/qen th\n kainotomi/an tine\s ai)tiw/menoi th=| paroimi/a| e)xrw=nto.
Comica adespota fr. 680 Kock (but not in K.-A.) for the headword phrase;
Zenobius 3.99 and other paroemiographers.
[1] For 'innovation' (literally the cutting of new mine shafts) see
kappa 1177,
kappa 1178.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; history; imagery; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; proverbs; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 May 2003@06:46:43.
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