[Meaning he/she/it] instilled with hope, encouraged; or summoned the souls of the dead by magic.
*)eyuxagw/ghsen: e)ph/lpise, paremuqh/sato: h)\ yuxa\s dia\ magganei/as tw=n teleuthsa/ntwn a)nh/gagen.
For this verb in the present tense see
psi 157.
Its aorist, here (and cf. under
phi 395,
psi 157), has the same glossing in other lexica and must be quoted from somewhere. Extant possibilities include two in
Polybius, 8.23.5 and 23.3.8. The first of these appears to be an instance of genuine hope (cf. LSJ s.v. II.1); in the second, the hope is delusory (cf. LSJ s.v. II.2).
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