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Search results for epsilon,4025 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,4025
Translated headword: hates, causes hatred
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with a dative.[1] [Meaning he/she/it] makes [someone/something] hateful.
Also [sc. attested is] e)xqreu=sai ["to be at enmity"], [meaning] to become enemies. They say that an eagle and a dung-beetle became enemies because each of them broke the other's eggs.[2]
Greek Original:*)exqrai/nei: dotikh=|. e)xqro\n poiei=. kai\ *)exqreu=sai, e)xqrou\s gene/sqai. e)xqreu=sai/ fasin ai)eto\n kai\ ka/nqaron e)k tou= e(ka/teron au)tw=n qate/rou ta\ w)|a\ diaspa=n.
The headword is third person singular, present indicative active, of
e)xqrai/nw. It must be quoted from somewhere; extant possibilities are all post-classical.
[1] Comparably in syntactical lexica.
[2] From a scholion on
Peace 129, where Aesop's fable on the dung-beetle is mentioned (and this aorist infinitive of
e)xqreu/w -- not the headword verb -- occurs).
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 July 2003@00:11:52.
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