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Search results for epsilon,4002 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,4002
Translated headword: you have something!
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Used of those hunting, either a snake or a fish. One says, "you have something" instead of "you have caught something." Socrates used to counsel himself that he had seized on a thought, referring to his mind, but using the expression for those hunting. For they speak thus to fishermen and fowlers, "you have something?" The old man says, "By Zeus, not I." "Nothing at all?" "Nothing but my cock in my right [hand]". He means his genitals. And he mimics masturbating himself.
Greek Original:*)/exeis ti: e)pi\ tw=n a)greuo/ntwn h)/toi o)/fin h)\ i)xqu/n. le/getai de\ to\ e)/xeis ti, a)nti\ tou= ei)/lhfa/s ti. sunebou/leue ga\r au)tw=| o( *swkra/ths w(/sper a)napth=nai th\n dia/noian, e)a/santi th\n fronti/da, th=| tw=n a)greuo/ntwn xrhsa/menos le/cei. toi=s ga\r a(lieu=sin h)\ toi=s o)rniqoqh/rais ou(/tw fasi/n, e)/xeis ti; o( de\ ge/rwn fhsi/, ma\ to\n *di/', ou)de\n e)/gwge. ou)de\n pa/nu; ou)de/n, plh\n to\ pe/os e)n th=| decia=|. toute/sti to\ ai)doi=on. kai\ mimei=sqai to\n dermu/llonta e(auto/n.
Clouds 733-734 (two quickfire exchanges between Sokrates and Strepsiades), with comment from the
scholia there; cf.
pi 987.
"This reflects a common assumption of vulgar humour, that an adult male cannot be in bed alone and awake for long without masturbating" (K.J. Dover ad loc.)
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 18 January 2004@22:16:43.
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