[Meaning one which is] satisfying. [The paradigm is] h(/dw ['I give pleasure'], h(/sw ['I shall give pleasure'], h(=da ['I gave pleasure'],[1] with dissolution [of the long eta into ea-], e)/ada, [participle] e)adw/s, [genitive] e)ado/tos, [accusative] e)ado/ta].[2]
*)eado/ta: a)re/skonta. h(/dw h(/sw h(=da, dialu/sei e)/ada, e)adw\s e)ado/tos e)ado/ta.
For the entry cf. the
scholia to
Iliad 9.173 and
Odyssey 18.422, where the headword participle occurs; also (e.g.) Herodian,
Schematismi Homerici 108. Again at
epsiloniota 7.
The form is an Aeolic dialect form of the perfect participle active of
a(nda/nw 'please, give pleasure to', used in the masculine accusative singular as an adjective to
mu/qon in the Homeric phrase "he had told them a tale that had pleased them."
On one point the entry is in error, for the form does not contain a dissolution but reflects the loss in Greek of the initial cluster
sw-, present in this root's derivatives in English (
sweet) and Latin (
suavis). This initial is reduplicated in the perfect, and then lost. See
Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos 2.799.26-31 for the phonological history of the word and 2.892.7-9, 51-54 for cognates. The long alpha and loss of the rough breathing in
Homer is to be explained as an Aeolic dialect form (Chantraine,
Grammaire homérique 20).
[1] This paradigm is of the present stem of an active verb 'give pleasure', a secondary formation from the familiar verb
h(/domai 'take pleasure', a verb with a different history but from the same root as the previous, cf. Chantraine,
Dictionnaire étymologique 406.
[2] The perfect participle active of
a(nda/nw is here given in three singular cases, nominative, genitive and the accusative of the headword.
David Whitehead (modified notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 26 June 2001@05:53:21.
Robert Dyer (Modified translation and notes to represent etymological history, cosmetics, raised status) on 4 January 2003@16:15:23.
Robert Dyer (Brief addition) on 4 January 2003@16:17:55.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 7 July 2007@15:46:02.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 2 December 2015@03:15:53.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 29 June 2016@10:05:35.
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