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Search results for epsilon,3991 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3991
Translated headword: ship-securer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of little fish, which is not eaten; it has the size of a gudgeon and 4 fins. Some use it for charms and lawsuits. It took the name from the [ability] to restrain ships in motion; it is also called naukrates ['ship-master']. Saint Basil speaks about it.[1]
[sc. also attested is the term] 'Naukratian fish'.[2]
Greek Original:*)exenhi/+s: ge/nos i)xqudi/ou, o(/ e)stin a)/brwton: me/geqos d' e)/xei kwbiou= kai\ pte/rugas d#. xrw=ntai de/ tines au)tw=| pro\s fi/lhtra kai\ di/kas. ei)/lhfe de\ to\ o)/noma a)po\ tou= e)/xesqai tw=n qeousw=n nhw=n: o(\ kai\ naukra/ths kalei=tai. o( a(/gios *basi/leios peri\ tou/tou fhsi/n. *naukrati/ths i)xqu/s.
For this headword in a different sense see already
epsilon 3990. The fish of the present entry is mentioned by
Aristotle and others.
[1] Basil of
Homilies on the Hexaemeron 7.6 (PG 29.161C).
[2] Addendum lacking, Adler reports, in mss AVG and a marginal addition in M. Whoever added it seems to have thought that 'Naukratian fish' uses a variant of
naukrates; but it might relate instead to the port of
Naukratis in Egypt (
nu 57,
nu 58).
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; definition; food; geography; imagery; law; medicine; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 6 February 2008@22:57:47.
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