Meaning come then, or so then, see here, or something of the kind.
*)/exe dh/: a)nti\ tou= a)/ge dh/, h)\ a)/ra dh/, pro/sexe, h)/ ti toiou=to.
A gloss on Greek prose style; probably (as Adler suggests) specifically on
Plato, who was fond of such argumentative phrases in his dialogues, and uses
e)/xe dh/ fifteen times. (He also uses the first of these glosses,
a)/ge dh/, six times. However, he apparently never uses
a)/ra dh/; and although he uses
pro/sexe eight times, the direct object
to\n nou=n is present in seven of the instances (i.e. 'apply your mind') while
pro/sexe is used absolutely only in one of the disputed
Letters (319A).)
Very similar entry in
Lexicon epsilon2483, which however, instead of the Suda's second gloss
a)/ra dh/ ('so then'), has
o(/ra dh/ ('consider then'), a phrase used twenty-three times by
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