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Headword: *)/efippos
Adler number: epsilon,3930
Translated headword: Ephippos, Ephippus; Ephoros, Ephorus
Vetting Status: high
Of Kyme;[1] son of Demophilos, though some [say] of Antiochos; pupil of Isocrates the orator; historian. He had a son, Demophilos the historian. He was [born] during the 93rd Olympiad,[2] thus also before the reign of Philip of Macedon. He wrote [a History] from the time of the sack of Ilion and the Trojan affairs down to his own time, 30 books; On [things] good and evil, 24 books; Paradoxes from all over, 15 books; Inventions that each [inventor] invented, 2 books.[3] And others.
Greek Original:
*)/efippos, *kumai=os, ui(o\s *dhmofi/lou, oi( de\ *)antio/xou, *)isokra/tous a)kousth\s tou= r(h/toros, i(storiko/s: e)/sxe de\ ui(o\n *dhmo/filon to\n i(storiko/n. h)=n de\ e)pi\ th=s #4g# o)lumpia/dos, w(s kai\ pro\ th=s *fili/ppou basilei/as ei)=nai tou= *makedo/nos. e)/grayen a)po\ th=s *)ili/ou porqh/sews kai\ tw=n *trwi+kw=n me/xri tw=n au(tou= xro/nwn bibli/a l#, *peri\ a)gaqw=n kai\ kakw=n bibli/a kd#, *parado/cwn tw=n e(kastaxou= bibli/a ie#, *eu(rema/twn, w(=n e(/kastos eu(=re, bibli/a b#. kai\ loipa/.
This information pertains to Ephoros of Kyme, FGrH 70 T1 (see epsilon 3953, cf. 3952). There was, admittedly, a C4 BC historian called Ephippos, son of Khalkideus, of Olynthus (FGrH 126); he is mentioned in Alexander's entourage in Egypt (Arrian, Anabasis 3.5.3), and he was author of a work on the deaths of Hephaistion and Alexander the Great; see in brief OCD(4) p.509, 'Ephippus(2)'. Nevertheless "Ephippos" as the headword of the present entry is simply taken over in error from the preceding one (epsilon 3929, on Ephippos the comic poet).
[1] In Asia Minor; kappa 2685.
[2] 408-405.
[3] The Inventions was significant enough to be mentioned (together with the big History) by Strabo 13.3.6.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mythology; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 4 December 2000@21:33:05.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified note; added bibliography; cosmetics) on 5 December 2000@05:03:06.
David Whitehead (augmented headword; modified and augmented notes; cosmetics) on 23 May 2001@03:26:48.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaking) on 19 November 2012@07:40:44.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 August 2014@09:09:43.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 21 March 2016@05:53:51.


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