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Search results for epsilon,3912 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3912
Translated headword: to give up, to let go
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "When a tragic actor said that he was giving up, for he had been driven out by Polemon at the beginning of the play, Antoninus[1] asked what time it was, when he was driven from the stage. When he said that it happened to be noon, very wittily the emperor said, 'But he drove me from my house about midnight and I did not give up.' Let this be an indication of a
clement emperor and of an arrogant man."[2]
Greek Original:*)efie/nai: u(pokritou= tragw|di/as e)fie/nai fh/santos, e)celaqh=nai ga\r para\ *pole/mwnos kat' a)rxa\s tou= dra/matos. o( de\ *)antwni=nos h)/reto, phni/ka ei)/h, o(/te th=s skhnh=s h)la/qh. tou= d' ei)po/ntos, w(s meshmbri/a tugxa/noi ou)=sa, ma/la a)stei/ws o( au)tokra/twr, e)me\ de/, ei)=pen, a)mfi\ me/sas nu/ktas e)ch/lase th=s oi)ki/as kai\ ou)k e)fh=ka. e)xe/tw tau=ta dh/lwsin basile/ws pra/|ou kai\ a)ndro\s u(pe/rfronos.
The unglossed headword, presumably extracted from the passage given, is the present active infinitive of
[1] The emperor Antoninus Pius (reigned 138-161): see the second part of
alpha 2762.
[2] Poorly paraphrased from
Lives of the Sophists 1.25.3, where Polemon (
pi 1889) had merely chaired the contest in question.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 October 2006@20:34:59.
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