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Search results for epsilon,3904 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3904
Translated headword: ephemeral, for a day
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] temporary.[1]
[Also attested is the phrase] 'e)fh/meron poison', [meaning] that which kills in one day.[2]
Also said is a)mfh/meros, and a)mfhmerino/s fever.[3]
Greek Original:*)efh/meros: pro/skairos. *)efh/meron dhlhth/rion, to\ e)n mia=| h(me/ra| a)nairou=n. le/getai de\ kai\ a)mfh/meros, kai\ a)mfhmerino\s pureto/s.
See also
epsilon 3902,
epsilon 3903.
[1] Same or similar glossing in
Photius and other lexica; cf. also
Pollux 1.65.
[2] cf. scholion on
Alexipharmaca 249 (Medea).
[3] From
alpha 1695. The adjectives
a)mfh/meros and
a)mfhmerino/s are synonymous with
*)amfhmerino/s is a technical medical term referring to fevers which recur daily, generally translated 'quotidian.' See e.g.
Hippocrates Epidemics 1.6.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; mythology; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Matthew Farmer on 16 January 2008@13:08:43.
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