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Search results for epsilon,390 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,390
Translated headword: arrears
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the residue of what has been indebted. For 'arrears' is the part to pay, of what someone owes, even if not all of it; but 'deficit' [is] not paying it at all. Or 'arrears' is having something but not paying it, 'deficit' not having it at all -- such that the former is voluntary, the latter involuntary.[1]
'Arrears' is a voluntary deprivation of money, 'deficit' an involuntary one.[2]
Greek Original:*)/ekdeia: h( kexrewsthme/nh loipa/s. e)/kdeia ga/r e)sti to\ me/ros katabalei=n w(=n o)fei/lei tis, ei) kai\ mh\ pa/nta: e)/ndeia de\ to\ mhde\n o(/lws katabalei=n. h)\ e)/kdeia me/n e)sti to\ e)/xonta mh\ katabalei=n, e)/ndeia de\ to\ mhde\n e)/xein: w(s ei)=nai to\ me\n e(kou/sion, to\ de\ a)kou/sion. *)/ekdeia me/n e)stin e(kou/sios ste/rhsis xrhma/twn, e)/ndeia de\ a)kou/sios.
The two words differentiated here are more alike in the Greek --
e)/kdeia and
e)/ndeia -- than they can readily be made to appear in translation.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica.
[2] cf. the
scholia to
Thucydides 1.99.1, where the headword appears (re 'arrears' of ship-contributions by the imperial allies of
Athens in the fifth century BCE).
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 April 2007@09:26:49.
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