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Search results for epsilon,3891 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)efh/ghsis
Adler number: epsilon,3891
Translated headword: ephegesis, arrest-by-magistrate
Vetting Status: high
Ephegesis is a lawsuit [sc. in classical Athens] initiated from[1] those harbouring the man forbidden by law to enter the territory, such as an exile or a murderer; alternatively, when someone seems to be in clandestine possession of an item of public property.
Greek Original:
*)efh/ghsis: e)fh/ghsi/s e)sti di/kh ei)sagome/nh a)po\ tou\s u(podecame/nous to\n ei)rgo/menon u(po\ tw=n no/mwn e)pibai/nein th=s xw/ras, oi(=on fuga/da h)\ a)ndrofo/non: h)\ o(/tan tw=n dhmosi/wn ti kate/xein dokh=| tis kru/fa.
[1] So the manuscripts which Adler followed (and Photius s.v.); but others have not apo but epi, 'against', which besides making better substantive sense is also correct with the accusative case.
M.H. Hansen, Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis (Odense 1976)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; law
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 November 2000@08:50:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 27 July 2003@16:44:42.
David Whitehead (added note and keyword) on 28 July 2003@04:22:46.
David Whitehead on 19 November 2012@05:05:13.


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