*)efestri/s: i(ma/tion *(rwmai+ko/n. le/getai de\ kai\ mandu/hs kai\ bi/rron: a(/tina e)n o)nei/rw| blepo/mena qli/yeis shmai/nousin.
For this headword see also
epsilon 3874 and
epsilon 3875. After the initial definition 'a Roman cloak', the present entry is an approximation of
Artemidorus 2.3.
Neither the headword itself nor the two synonyms drawn from
Artemidorus (on which see nn. 2-3 below) are Latin words, and of the three, only
birrus occurs in Latin texts. Conversely, among the three only the headword is manifestly Greek in origin. Perhaps these are words used among Greek populations to refer to a distinctively Roman cloak such as the legionary
lacerna or
[1] Comparably, according to Adler, in the unedited
Ambrosian Lexicon (2685).
[2] In addition to
Etymologicum Magnum 402.49 and the
scholia to Lucian (36.37 and 77.20 Rabe) also offer this word as a synonym for the present headword; and cf.
mu 139.
[3] Subject of its own entry at
beta 306, where it is also called "a Roman cloak".
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