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Search results for epsilon,3858 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3858
Translated headword: yielding
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] giving in, slackening.[1] "The men, since they were positioned in due measure from one another, [were] yielding the reins to the horses."[2]
[The term] e)fe/ntas also means [men] going from one lawcourt into another.[3]
Greek Original:*)efe/ntes: e)ndo/ntes, u(poxala/santes. oi( de\ a)/ndres, e)peidh\ to\ su/mmetron a)p' a)llh/lwn die/sthsan, e)fe/ntes toi=s i(/ppois ta\s h(ni/as. *)efe/ntas shmai/nei kai\ to\ a)po\ dikasthri/ou ei)s dikasth/rion e)lqo/ntas.
[1] Same glossing reproduced by ps.-
Zonaras. The headword itself is aorist active participle, masculine nominative plural, of
e)fi/hmi. It might be extracted from the quotation given here, though ps.-
Zonaras does have it, and other instances are extant: see e.g. fr.564 of
Euripides (preserved by
pa/nt' e)fe/ntes h(donh=|.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable.
[3] (The same participle in the accusative plural.) For this sense cf.
epsilon 3865,
epsilon 3866.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 28 January 2008@18:55:40.
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