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Search results for epsilon,3850 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3850
Translated headword: reserve, in reserve
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] third
taulistes, and [= or] a man in waiting.[1]
Aristophanes in
Frogs [writes]: "Cleidemides [says that
Sophocles] intends to sit out in reserve. And if
Aeschylus should win, he will stay where he is. But if not, he will fight for his art."[2]
A 'reserve' is the one in the contests not being drawn into comptetion with the victors.
Sophocles calls Ajax a 'reserve', because, the uttermost person and like a reservist, Ajax had been left [sc. to stray] into evil. As if to say, in addition to the first evils like a second evil for me is what happened to Ajax. For this is what the [term] 'reserve' indicates. For [the chorus] says, "And Ajax [who is] hard to cure awaits me as [an opponent in] reserve."[3]
Greek Original:*)/efedros: taulisth\s tri/tos, kai\ e)nedreu/wn. *)aristofa/nhs *batra/xois: nuni\ d' e)/melle *kleidhmi/dhs e)/fedros kaqedei=sqai: ka)\n me\n *ai)sxu/los krath=|, e(/cein kata\ xw/ran: ei) de\ mh/, peri\ th=s te/xnhs diagwniei=sqai. *)/efedro/s e)stin e)n toi=s a)gw=sin o( mh\ planw/menos ei)s to\ a)gwni/zesqai toi=s nikw=sin. e)/fedron de\ le/gei o( *sofoklh=s to\n *ai)/anta, o(/ti e)/sxatos kai\ w(s e)/fedros e)lei/fqh moi o( *ai)/as ei)s kako/n. oi(=on pro\s toi=s prw/tois kakoi=s w(/sper deu/tero/n e)sti moi kako\n to\ tou= *ai)/antos cunesthko/s. tou=to ga\r dhloi= to\ e)/fedros. le/gei ga/r, kai/ moi dusqera/peutos *ai)/as cu/nestin e)/fedros.
See also
epsilon 3851.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica.
Photius writes
taulistes, as here;
Hesychius has the spelling
tablistes, pronounced the same (i.e.
tavlistes). This would seem to mean a dice-player (cf.
pi 1392,
tau 7).
Frogs 791-794 (web address 1).
Ajax 609-610 (web address 2), with material from the
scholia there.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; military affairs; tragedy
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 27 January 2008@21:42:47.
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