*)efedrei/a: h( e)pi/klhros paramonh/.
For this feminine headword see again
epsilon 3849.
In the present entry -- taken over by ps.-
Zonaras but with the headword as
e)fedri/a -- the glossing is elucidated, as Adler noted, by comparisons with both
Hesychius epsilon7368 (where one of the miscellany of synonyms given for
ephedros is
o( u(f' h(mw=n e)pi/klhros) and glosses on
Herodotus 5.41.1 (the wife of king Anaxandridas of Sparts gives birth to Cleomenes, the king in waiting/heir apparent,
e)/fedron basile/a). Yet even so the sense of the Suda's gloss is hard to fathom, consisting as it does of the feminine definite article followed by -- on the face of it -- two feminine nouns. (For the first of them,
epikleros, "heiress", cf.
epsilon 2384,
epsilon 2385; the second,
paramone, is the first gloss at
theta 375.) Adler reports no manuscript variants, and LSJ is no help (on any of the three words concerned). Nevertheless it does seem likely [to DW] that there is a textual flaw here, e.g. the omission of an 'and' if both words after the article are truly nouns, or else the corruption into a noun of what was originally an adjective. That said, the translation above attempts to render the gloss as transmitted.
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