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Search results for epsilon,3835 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3835
Translated headword: of good courage, good-souled
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristotle in the
Topics speaks of virtue in living and being of good courage in dying. Not only the valiant person, if we analyze the term 'of good courage' etymologically, but also the one who possesses his soul well, (is such). But to be sure, if the person of good courage ['well-souled'] is he who possesses his soul well, so also does the just and moderate and prudent person possess a good soul, nor would the valiant one alone be good-souled nor would good courage be valor. That someone 'of good courage' is he who possesses his soul well we shall demonstrate by comparison of the terms. For the person 'of good hope' is the one who hopes well, that is, who hopes for the good. And the the fortunate ['of good-divinity'] is the one who possesses the divinity well.
Arrian [writes]: "one of those particularly demonstrating good courage in terrible circumstances."[1]
Menander [writes]: "it is not fearful that the enemy are superior in numbers, for good courage always prevails over superiority in numbers."[2]
Greek Original:*eu)/yuxos: *)aristote/lhs e)n toi=s *to/pois le/gei th\n e)n tw=| zh=n a)reth\n kai\ th\n e)n tw=| teleuta=n eu)yuxi/an. ou)x o( a)ndrei=os mo/nos, ei) metalhyo/meqa to\ eu)/yuxos ei)s to\n lo/gon kata\ th\n e)tumologi/an: e)/sti de\ ou(=tos o( eu)= th\n yuxh\n e)/xwn. a)lla\ mh\n ei) eu)/yuxo/s e)stin o( eu)= th\n yuxh\n e)/xwn, a)gaqh\n de\ th\n yuxh\n e)/xei kai\ o( di/kaios kai\ o( sw/frwn kai\ o( fro/nimos, ou)d' a)\n o( a)ndrei=os mo/nos eu)/yuxos ei)/h, ou)d' a)\n h( eu)yuxi/a a)ndrei/a ei)/h. o(/ti de\ eu)/yuxos o( eu)= th\n yuxh\n e)/xwn, dei/comen th=| tw=n o)noma/twn paraqe/sei. kai\ ga\r eu)/elpis o( eu)= e)lpi/zwn, toute/stin o( a)gaqa\ e)lpi/zwn: kai\ eu)dai/mwn o( eu)= to\n dai/mona e)/xwn. *)arriano/s: tw=n ma/lista eu)yuxi/an tina\ e)n toi=s deinoi=s e)pideiknume/nwn. a)nti\ tou= eu)tolmi/an. *me/nandros: mh\ ei)=nai fobero\n tou=to, o(/ti plh/qei proe/xousin oi( pole/mioi: th\n ga\r eu)yuxi/an a)ei\ tou= plei/onos e)pikratei=n.
As in
epsilon 3601 and
pi 2376, the Suda cites Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topics (re
Topica 112a32), but attributes the passage to
Aristotle does, in fact, deal with the term in question but the wording comes from Alexander, who entitles it 'a commonplace from etymology' (175.29).
The debater tries to show that the opponent has misused a word by referring it to its origin, something always more apparent in Greek than in English. For more detail, see the notes to
epsilon 3601 and
pi 2376.
[1] Fr. incert. 17 Roos-Wirth (= FGrH 156 F148), known only from this citation.
[2] A mistaken repetition of the passage from Appian which ends
epsilon 3834; it has evidently displaced the one from '
Menander' (sc. Protector).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 15 July 2002@16:57:36.
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