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Search results for epsilon,3819 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3819
Translated headword: vow
Vetting Status: high
Translation: *Eu)xai/ ["vows"] [are] promises.
"I will pay my vows to the Lord."[1]
For eu)xh/ [is] a promise to a god of things which are piously consecrated, but proseuxh/ [is] a petition offered to the god with supplication.[2]
Greek Original:*eu)xa/. *eu)xai/: ai( u(posxe/seis. ta\s eu)xa/s mou tw=| kuri/w| a)podw/sw. *eu)xh\ ga\r e)paggeli/a qew=| tw=n kat' eu)se/beian a)fieroume/nwn, proseuxh\ de\ de/hsis meta\ i(kethri/as tw=| qew=| prosagome/nh.
The unglossed headword (in mss FV only, Adler reports), nominative singular, is the Doric form for
eu)xh/. It is very rarely attested, but see e.g.
Suppliant Women 657:
filo/timos eu)xa/ (web address 1).
Psalm 115.5
[2] cf.
Etymologicum Gudianum and other lexica.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 April 2005@18:18:25.
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