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Adler number: epsilon,3817
Translated headword: natural ability, natural suitableness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is [the property] of someone of natural ability to be familiar with what is true, but to reject what is false. He who possesses this also has the capacity of properly discerning what is true. Those who easily apprehend certain things and learn [them], but are similarly disposed with regard to all forms of learning, could not be strictly called 'naturally able' on account of not having in themselves the discerning faculty, which is also strictly the first natural ability. [...] And among the things that are being proposed, whether these are forms of learning and [= or] some other [cognitive abilities], when choosing to supply and to like things that are worthy but rejecting and hating things not of such a kind, they properly do this and are good discerners.
Greek Original:*eu)fui/+a. eu)fuou=s e)sti to\ w)|keiw=sqai me\n pro\s to\ a)lhqe/s, a)postre/fesqai de\ to\ yeu=dos. o( de\ tou=to e)/xwn e)/xei kai\ to\ kri/nein ta)lhqe\s du/nasqai kalw=s. oi( de\ r(a|di/ws me/n tisi parakolouqou=ntes kai\ manqa/nontes, o(moi/ws de\ e)/xontes pro\s pa/nta ta\ maqh/mata, ou)k a)\n kuri/ws eu)fuei=s le/gointo tw=| mh\ e)/xein to\ kritiko\n e)n au(toi=s, o(/ e)stin h( prw/th kai\ kuri/ws eu)fui/+a. kai\ tw=n prosferome/nwn, ei)/te maqh/mata tau=ta ei)/h ei)/te kai\ a)/lla tina/, ta\ me\n a)/cia eu)porei=sqai kai\ filei=n ai(rou/menoi, ta\ de\ mh\ toiau=ta a)postrefo/menoi kai\ misou=ntes, eu)= te tou=to poiou=si kai/ ei)sin a)gaqoi\ kritai/.
The unglossed headword, a feminine abstract noun, is generated by the subject-matter of the entry, which comes from Alexander of Aprodisias,
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 584.14-24 (on
Topica 163b11-16).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 2 October 2002@17:31:59.
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