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Search results for epsilon,3792 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3792
Translated headword: speak well
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] utter nicely, or praise.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "let the whole people be well speaking, and shut its mouth. For the band of Muses is present within the palace."[2]
'Speak well' therefore [means] be silent, do not speak at the wrong time.[3]
Greek Original:*eu)fh/mei: kala\ la/lei, h)\ e)pai/nei. *)aristofa/nhs: eu)/fhmos pa=s e)/stw lew\s sto/ma sugklei/sas. e)ndhmei= ga\r qi/asos *mousw=n e)/ndon mela/qrwn. *eu)fh/mei ou)=n siw/pa, mh\ a)kairolo/gei.
epsilon 3793.
[1] =
Synagoge epsilon1008;
Lexicon epsilon2360;
Hesychius epsilon7269. Headword and glosses are present imperative active (the headword apparently quoted from
Plato: cf. n. 3 below). These glosses reflect the literal meaning of the word, whereas the subsequent quotation reflect a specialized use of the word, 'maintain ritual silence'.
Thesmophoriazusae 39-41 (web address 1); cf.
theta 378. Here, instead of the imperative, we have a periphrasis with a related adjective,
eu)/fhmos +
e)/stw ('let it be'), forming, in effect, a third-person imperative.
[3] =
Synagoge epsilon1009;
Lexicon epsilon2361;
scholia to
Gorgias 469A and
Meno 91C.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy; poetry; religion; stagecraft
Translated by: William Hutton on 10 February 2008@06:53:02.
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