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Adler number: epsilon,3770
Translated headword: Eutokios, Eutocius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Coming from Thrace, a person neither remarkable in intellect nor descended from good stock, but an average soldier who, however, had embezzled a lot of the common funds of his own legion and fled to Palestine. He tried to enroll himself among the citizens of Eleutheropolis,[1] having acquired a place on the council on the basis of his enormous resources. For he longed for the chance to change his lot to one more noble. And yet it was first necessary for him to amend his character for the better; but nevertheless, the Eleutheropolitans, being suspicious about the massive amount of money, did not accept Eutokios. He then moved to Askalon.[2] And the leading man at that time, Krateros, received him amicably, along with his money, and granted him a share of political freedom. But some time later the Thracians came on an inquiry after Eutokios and demanded of Krateros both the person himself and the money, but he did not give up the man. When the soldiers took the case to trial, Krateros argued on behalf of Eutokios and prevailed over the Thracians, on which occasion the following oracle also was delivered [...].[2]
Greek Original:*eu)to/kios, a)po\ *qra/|khs e)lqw\n ou)/te gnw/mhn e)pieikh/s tis h)=n ou)/te ge/nous eu)= h(/kwn, a)lla\ stratiw/ths me\n o( tuxw/n, polla\ de\ xrh/mata koina\ tou= i)di/ou ta/gmatos u(pokle/yas w)/|xeto feu/gwn ei)s th\n *palaisti/nhn. e)pexei/rhse me\n ou)=n *)eleuqeropoli/tais e(auto\n e)gkatale/cai, th=s boulh=s metasxw\n e)pi\ xrh/masi mega/lois. kai\ ga\r e)gli/xeto th\n tu/xhn metabalei=n e)s to\ eu)gene/steron. kai/toi e)/dei pro/teron metati/qesqai th\n proai/resin ei)s to\ krei=tton, a)ll' o(/mws oi( *)eleuqeropoli=tai to\ plh=qos u(peido/menoi tw=n xrhma/twn ou) prosede/canto to\n *eu)to/kion. o( de\ metexw/rhsen e)s th\n *)aska/lwna. kai\ o( to/te prwteu/wn *kratero\s eu)menw=s au)to\n u(pede/cato meta\ tw=n xrhma/twn politikh=s te mete/dwken e)leuqeri/as. oi( de\ *qra=|kes u(ste/rw| xro/nw| kata\ pu/stin h(/kontes e)pi\ to\n *eu)to/kion a)ph/|toun to\n *kratero\n au)to/n te kai\ ta\ xrh/mata. o( de\ ou) meqi/ei to\n a)/ndra. tw=n de\ stratiwtw=n e)pi\ di/khn to\ pra=gma fero/ntwn, o( *kratero\s u(peragwni/zetai tou= *eu)toki/ou kai\ perigi/netai tw=n *qra|kw=n: e)f' w(=| kai\ xrhsmo\s e)ce/pesen, e)/xwn w(=de.
Material attributed to
Eunapius (1.273.18 - 274.5 Dindorf; fr.106 FHG (4.55)) by Kuster.
This individual can scarcely be the celebrated Neoplatonist philosopher and mathematician Eutokios of Askalon (b. ca.480 CE; OCD(4) p.557), but perhaps an ancestor.
[1] Barrington Atlas map 70 grid F2; present-day Beth Govrin, in Israel.
[2] Barrington Atlas loc.cit.; present-day Ashqelon.
[3] cf.
epsilon 566.
Joseph Geiger, Hellenism in the East: studies on Greek intellectuals in Palestine (Historia Einzelschriften 229: Stuttgart 2014) chap.5
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; mathematics; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 9 February 2008@00:49:34.
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