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Search results for epsilon,3767 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3767
Translated headword: thrifty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the one who is parsimonious in a virtuous manner, and who spends little. Thus
Menander [sc. uses the word]: "myself, [I am] witless, thrifty to excess. And, the profligate is a spendthrift, extremely bold."[1]
Greek Original:*eu)telh/s: e)p' a)reth=s o( feidwlo/s, kai\ o)ligoda/panos. ou(/tw *me/nandros: e)gw\ de\ a)no/htos, eu)telh\s u(perbolh=|. kai/, o( a)/swtos e)sti\ polutelh/s, qrasu\s sfo/dra.
epsilon 3766.
Menander fr. 615 Kock (137 Meineke, 800 Körte-Thierfelder, 544 K.-A.). Editors have not agreed with Adler that only the first of these two lines is Menandrian, though Koerte suspected that the two lines are not contiguous.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; poetry
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 February 2008@11:16:37.
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