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Search results for epsilon,3755 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3755
Translated headword: Eustochios, Eustochius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Cappadocia. Sophist. He wrote The events of the reign of the emperor Constans,[1] and Early History [archaiologia] of Cappadocia and other nations.[2]
Greek Original:*eu)sto/xios, *kappado/khs, sofisth/s. e)/graye ta\ kata\ *kw/nstanta to\n basile/a kai\ a)rxaiologi/an *kappadoki/as kai\ loipw=n e)qnw=n.
Mid-C4 AD. RE Eustochios(2); PLRE I Eustochius(2); FGrH 738 (where the present entry is T1; for F1 see n.2 below).
[1] Constans I, reigned 337-350; cf. under
kappa 2288.
[2] This latter work is cited by
Stephanus of
Byzantium in his entry on Panticapaeum (FGrH 738 F1). For Cappadocia cf.
kappa 325.
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 15 February 2001@10:43:49.
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