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Headword: *eu)se/bios
Adler number: epsilon,3737
Translated headword: Eusebios, Eusebius
Vetting Status: high
[Eusebius], [surnamed] the [son] of Pamphilus,[1] inclined to the Arian heresy, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, zealous in the divine Scriptures and diligent researcher with Pamphilus the martyr at the divine library [in Caesarea]. He published many volumes, among which are these: Demonstration of the Gospels[2] in 20 books, Preparation of [= for] the Gospels [3] in 15 books, Theophany in 5 books, Ecclesiastical History[4] in 10 books, Chronological Canons of Universal History and Epitome of These,[5] On Discrepancies in the Gospels, On the Prophet Isaiah in 10 books, Against Porphyry (the one who was then writing in Sicily,[6] as some suppose) in 30 books, Topics in a single book, Apology for Origen[7] in 6 books, On the Life of Pamphilus in 3 books, other compositions concerning martyrs, approved Commentaries on the 150 Psalms,[8] and many other works. He flourished most notably in the reigns of the emperors Constantine and Constantius; and because of his friendship towards the martyr Pamphilus he was found worthy of his name.[9]
Eusebius the [son] of Pamphilus: this Eusebius also wrote To Marinus,[10] in which he says that the Church of Christ prescribes two lifestyles and thus two paths: the one extraordinary[11] and beyond the pale of everyday society, such as is the monastic life. The other, inferior and mundane by comparison, presupposes participation in marriage.[12]
Greek Original:
*eu)se/bios, o( *pamfi/lou, proskei/menos th=| *)areianikh=| ai(re/sei, e)pi/skopos *kaisarei/as th=s *palaisti/nhs, spoudai=os e)n tai=s qei/ais grafai=s kai\ th=s qei/as biblioqh/khs a(/ma *pamfi/lw| tw=| ma/rturi e)pimele/statos a)nixneuth/s. e)ce/dwke polla\ teu/xh, w(=n ei)si ta/de: *eu)aggelikh=s a)podei/cews lo/goi k#, *eu)aggelikh=s proparaskeuh=s lo/goi ie#, *qeofanei/as lo/goi e#, *)ekklhsiastikh=s i(stori/as lo/goi i#, *xronikw=n kano/nwn pantodaph=s i(stori/as, kai\ tou/twn e)pitomh/. kai\ *peri\ th=s tw=n *eu)aggeli/wn diafwni/as, *ei)s to\n profh/thn *)hsai/+an lo/goi i#. *kata\ *porfuri/ou tou= to/te suggra/fontos e)n *sikeli/a|, w(/s tines oi)/ontai, lo/goi l#. *topikw=n lo/gos ei(=s, *)apologi/as u(pe\r *)wrige/nous lo/goi #2#, *peri\ tou= bi/ou *pamfi/lou lo/goi g#. peri\ martu/rwn e(/tera suggra/mmata: kai\ ei)s tou\s rn# yalmou\s dedokimasme/na u(pomnh/mata, kai\ e(/tera polla/. h)/nqhse ma/lista e)pi\ *kwnstanti/nou tou= basile/ws kai\ *kwnstanti/ou, kai\ dia\ th\n fili/an th\n pro\s *pa/mfilon ma/rtura th=s e)pwnumi/as au)tou= h)ciw/qh. *eu)se/bios o( *pamfi/lou: ou(=tos o( *eu)se/bios e)/graye kai\ pro\s *mari=non, e)n w(=| le/gei, o(/ti h( *xristou= e)kklhsi/a du/o bi/ous nomoqetei= kai\ tro/pous: to\n me\n u(perfua= kai\ th=s a)nqrwpi/nhs politei/as e)pe/keina, oi(=os e)sti\n o( monadiko/s: to\n de\ u(pobebhko/ta kai\ a)nqrwpinw/teron, o(\s kai\ ga/mois u(poti/qetai sugkoinwnei=n.
c. AD 260-339; OCD(4) s.v.; Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
[1] See note 9 below.
[2] In Latin, Demonstratio Evangelica.
[3] In Latin, Praeparatio Evangelica.
[4] Translation at web address 2.
[5] The earliest reference to this work is found in Eusebius' Eclogae Propheticae (written before 311) as the Chronological Canons with an Epitome of Universal History both Greek and Nongreek (*Xronikoi\ kano/nes kai\ e)pitomh\ pantodaph=s i(stori/as *(Ellh/nwn te kai\ Barba/rwn). For an overview of this work, including the historiographical preface to the Canons, see Mosshammer [below], Introduction and Chapter 1, particularly pp. 15, 35-36.
[6] In 262, Porphyry initiated his six-year study of Neoplatonism with Plotinus in Rome. Exhausted from his apprenticeship, Porphyry then retreated to Sicily for five years, returning to Rome as Plotinus' successor.
[7] Pamphilus and Eusebius jointly wrote the first five books. Eusebius added a sixth book. Only the first book survives in a Latin translation by Rufinus Tyrannius (Rufinus of Aquileia). For Suda entries on Origen see omega 182, omega 183.
[8] (cf. delta 157.) The manuscripts of this work extend only to Psalm 118. The Suda notes Eusebian commentary on 150 Psalms, although "in what is probably the oldest and most reliable Greek manuscript (Sinaiticus)" is found a separately numbered Psalm 151. In the Vaticanus (upon which Brenton based his 19th century LXX translation), this psalm is appended to Psalm 150 as a supernumerary (e)/cwqen tou= a)riqmou=). Eusebius' commentary was not based on a separately numbered Psalm 151. See Sanders, 1749 (NRSV) and Brenton, 787; and cf. delta 157.
[9] Jerome in On Illustrious Men 81 writes ob amicitiam Pamphili martyris ab eo cognomentum sortitus est (Latin also cited in Mosshammer, 31): "because of his friendship with Pamphilus, he acquired the surname from him." See web address 3.
[10] See Catholic Encyclopedia article "Eusebius of Caesarea" for the dedication to a Marinus of a part of On Discrepancies in the Gospels.
[11] On the character of early eastern monasticism see Bainton, Vol. I, 104-105.
[12] Compare beta 294.
Bainton, R.H. Christendom: A Short History of Christianity and Its Impact on Western Civilization (2 vols.). New York: Harper & Row, 1966
Brenton, L.C.L. The Septuagint with Apocrypha. Peabody: Henrickson, 1999 (reprint of 1851 ed.)
Glare, P.G.W., ed. Oxford Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon, 1994
Johnson, A.P., and Schott, J.M., eds., Eusebius of Caesarea: tradition and innovations. Washington DC: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2013
Mosshammer, A.A. The Chronicle of Eusebius and Greek Chronographic Tradition. Lewisburg: Bucknell University, 1979
Sanders, J.A. "Psalm 151" in The HarperCollins Study Bible (NRSV). New York: HarperCollins, 1993
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 February 2002@20:47:13.
Vetted by:
Craig Miller (Under review as of this date.) on 29 May 2002@10:35:19.
Craig Miller (Modified translation, expanded footnotes, augmented keywords. Bibliography, cosmetics, and status change pending by editor.) on 18 June 2002@21:18:49.
Craig Miller (Bibliography added, cosmetics, changed status.) on 19 June 2002@19:05:52.
Craig Miller on 19 June 2002@19:08:50.
Craig Miller on 19 June 2002@19:57:06.
Craig Miller on 19 June 2002@20:51:06.
William Hutton (Modified notes; cosmetics) on 25 June 2002@08:37:32.
Catharine Roth (fixed typo) on 25 June 2002@19:42:38.
David Whitehead (corrected internal x-ref; augmented notes; cosmetics) on 24 December 2002@03:45:50.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@07:35:13.
David Whitehead (x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 18 June 2012@04:39:57.
Catharine Roth (capitalization in betacode) on 18 June 2012@13:13:18.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 14 November 2012@09:10:53.
David Whitehead (added a bibliographical item) on 7 February 2014@07:15:36.
David Whitehead on 3 August 2014@09:02:48.
Catharine Roth (betacode typos, coding) on 10 August 2014@19:57:50.
David Whitehead (typo; coding) on 15 March 2016@11:47:07.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmeticule) on 15 March 2016@22:05:15.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 1 March 2018@01:51:29.


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