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Search results for epsilon,3735 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3735
Translated headword: piety
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a knowledge of the service of a god.[1] Therefore excellent people, in being pure, are fitting to offer sacrifice to a god; for they avoid the sins concerning a god, and god is delighted with them; for they are both pious and just. They are priests as well; for they carefully consider what is related to sacrifices, foundations,[2] purifications, and the other matters appropriate to the divine.
"Piety is an easy thing and quite full of temperance and in no way burdensome."[3]
"For piety does [not] expire with mortals; whether they live, whether they die, it is not destroyed."[4]
Greek Original:*eu)se/beia: e)pisth/mh qeou= qerapei/as. spoudai=oi toigarou=n qu/ein qew=| a(rmo/dioi, a(gnoi\ tugxa/nontes: e)kneu/ein ga\r ta\ peri\ qeou= a(marth/mata, kai\ to\n qeo\n a)/gasqai au)tou/s: o(si/ous te ga\r ei)=nai kai\ dikai/ous. kai\ me\n tou/tous i(ere/as ei)=nai: e)peske/fqai ga\r kai\ peri\ qusiw=n, i(dru/sewn kai\ kaqarmw=n kai\ tw=n a)/llwn tw=n pro\s to\ qei=on oi)kei/wn. o(/ti h( eu)se/beia kou=fo/n e)sti kai\ swfrosu/nhs a)na/plewn kai\ h(/kista a)xqeino/n. h( ga\r eu)se/beia sunqnh/skei brotoi=s: ka)\n zw=si, ka)\n qa/nwsin, ou)k a)po/llutai.
The first and principal part of this entry draws on
Diogenes Laertius 7.119 (Stoic doctrine).
[1] cf.
Eclogae 2.62 (ed. Wachsmuth).
[2] Of temples.
Aelian fr. 265 Domingo-Forasté (267 Hercher); cf.
alpha 3795.
Philoctetes 1443-4 (here crucially mistransmitted, by opening with the definite article instead of a negative). See also
epsilon 3736.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 30 April 2001@02:11:04.
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