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Search results for epsilon,3713 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3713
Translated headword: mouldering
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The explanation of the [term] 'mouldering' [is] the [state of] lying neglected. For on things that lie neglected and unattended dew and moisture settle. Such is the life of countryfolk, just as, on the other hand, that of townsfolk is cared-for and clean. For this reason [country life] is continually driven into poverty by the [comic] poets and reproached; as
Menander says: "hunger settles on the clean."[1]
Greek Original:*eu)rwtiw=n: tou= eu)rwtiw=n e)ch/ghsis to\ ei)kh= kei/menos: toi=s ga\r ei)kh= kai\ a)melw=s keime/nois i(drw\s prosi/zei kai\ noti/s. toiou=tos de\ o( tw=n a)groi/kwn bi/os, w(/sper au)= e)pimelh\s kai\ kaqa/rios o( tw=n a)stikw=n. dio/per kai\ ei)s peni/an sunexw=s u(po\ tw=n poihtw=n tu/ptetai kai\ o)neidi/zetai: w(/s fhsi *me/nandros: ei)s ta\ kaqara\ limo\s ei)soiki/zetai.
From the
scholia to
Clouds 44, where both the headword participle and the accompanying phrase 'the [state of] lying neglected' occur (web address 1).
See also
epsilon 3712 for another gloss of the same headword; and
epsilon 3707,
epsilon 3708 and
epsilon 3711 for related words.
Menander fr. 841 Kock, 765 Koerte, now 646 K.-A, with Meineke's emendation
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; geography; imagery; philosophy; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 February 2008@10:51:49.
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