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Search results for epsilon,3696 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3696
Translated headword: strait; Euripos, Euripus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [The term for a] narrow sea, or watery place between two land-masses.[1]
That is, [between] Boiotia and Attica.[2] The water there changes direction seven times a day.[3]
Greek Original:*eu)/ripos: pe/lagos steno/n, h)\ to/pos u(datw/dhs metacu\ du/o gaiw=n. toute/sti *boiwti/as kai\ *)attikh=s. e(pta/kis de\ th=s h(me/ras to\ e)kei=se u(/dwr tre/petai.
[1] Likewise in other lexica.
[2] A slip, as Boiotia and Attica share only a land-frontier; read "Boiotia and Euboia". This secondary gloss merely provides an example of a
eu)/ripos so well-known that it became, in effect, the
[3] Often said but probably not to be taken literally. See D. Whitehead (ed.),
Hypereides: the forensic speeches (Oxford 2000) 421-3.
Keywords: definition; geography; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 November 2000@08:15:07.
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