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Headword: *eu(/rhma
Adler number: epsilon,3682
Translated headword: find
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] discovery, invention.
"[It is] obvious that even to someone with a lot of education who strives to know a lot of things, this is also a find."[1] That is, an invention, a regimen.
Also [sc. attested is the plural] 'finds' [to be understood] likewise: discoveries, inventions.
Xenophon [writes]: "when I saw that you had fallen into many intractable circumstances, I considered that it would be a find if I were able to ask of the king that he grant me the ability to take you back safely to Greece."[2]
"He considered as a find even the Magi, who inhabit Babylon and Sousa."[3]
Greek Original:
*eu(/rhma: e)pi/teugma, bou/leuma. dh=lon de/, w(s tw=| polla\ pepaideume/nw| kai\ polla\ ei)de/nai glixome/nw|, kai\ tau=ta eu(/rhma/ e)sti. toute/sti bou/leuma, e)pith/deuma. kai\ *eu(rh/mata o(moi/ws, e)piteu/gmata, bouleu/mata. *cenofw=n: e)pei\ ei)=don u(ma=s ei)s polla\ ka)mh/xana e)mpeptwko/tas, eu(/rhma e)poihsa/mhn, ei)/ pws dunai/mhn para\ basile/ws ai)th/sasqai, dou=nai/ moi a)posw=sai u(ma=s ei)s th\n *(ella/da. eu(/rhma de\ kai\ tou\s *ma/gous e)poiei=to, oi(\ *babulw=na kai\ *sou=sa oi)kou=sin.
[1] Quotation unidentifiable.
[2] Xenophon, Anabasis 2.3.18 (web address 1). Here, as often elsewhere, the headword has religious overtones: godsend or the like; see LSJ s.v.
[3] Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 1.18.5. For the Magi cf. mu 28.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 4 February 2008@11:53:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (additions to notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 February 2008@03:46:09.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 14 November 2012@06:01:57.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 27 December 2012@22:43:49.


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