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Search results for epsilon,3679 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3679
Translated headword: inventor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "He [Isidore] was a ready inventor both of problems which he set for others and of [answers to] those which others set for him, not burying and concealing the truth and silencing the questioners with erudition and recitation of others' opinions."[1]
*eu(re/tis [is] the feminine form, with iota, [meaning] she who invents.[2]
Greek Original:*eu(reth/s: h)=n de\ kai\ eu(reth\s e(toimo/tatos w(=n te au)to\s h)po/rei pro\s e(te/rous kai\ w(=n e(/teroi pro\s au)to/n, ou) polumaqei/a| kai\ a)llotri/wn docasma/twn i(stori/a| kataxwnnu\s me\n th\n a)lh/qeian kai\ a)pokru/ptwn, e)pistomi/zwn de\ tou\s a)porou=ntas. *eu(re/tis de\ qhluko/n, dia\ tou= i, h( e)feuretikh/.
Damascius Life of Isidore fr.86 Zintzen, 40 Asmus, 37E Athanassiadi (with
pi 1966; cf.
Bibliotheca 338a 11-15).
[2] Regularly used of goddesses credited with inventing something.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 March 2004@01:47:17.
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