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Search results for epsilon,3664 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3664
Translated headword: do well, fare well
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The heading of the
Letters of
Plato [is] thus. He wrote 13
Letters. They are of the moral kind. 'Live well':
Epicurus headed [his
Letters] thus; but Cleon headed [his with] 'greetings'.
Greek Original:*eu)= pra/ttein: ou(/tws h( e)pigrafh\ tw=n e)pistolw=n *pla/twnos. e)/graye de\ e)pistola\s ig#. ei)si\ de\ tou= h)qikou= ei)/dous. eu)= dia/gein: ou(/tws *)epi/kouros e)pe/grafe: xai/rein de\ e)pe/grafe *kle/wn.
Diogenes Laertius 3.61. See also
epsilon 3413,
chi 164,
chi 166.
Plato [
pi 1707] did preface 12 of his 13
Letters with
eu)= pra/ttein. The partial exception is the third, which begins (315A-B) by asking, rhetorically, whether he should address
Dionysius (tyrant 367-357 BCE of Syracuse, Barrington Atlas map 47 grid G4, cf. OCD(4) s.v.
Dionysius(2)) with 'greetings' (
xai/rein) or with his customary
eu)= pra/ttein (web address 1).
Epicurus [
epsilon 2404] usually has
xai/rein (see
Letter to Herodotus 35;
Letter to Pythocles 83;
Letter to Menoeceus 121).
The Athenian demagogue Cleon (
kappa 1731) seems in odd company here, but see
chi 164.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; philosophy; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 28 October 2003@13:21:08.
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