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Adler number: epsilon,3650
Translated headword: Eupeithios, Eupithius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Eupeithios] and Archiadas, two sons of Hegias. Eupeithios was more talented, but in his habits he was drawn to vulgarity, and indeed having something worse than a common man, and to summarize, he fell far short of his father. But Archiadas was altogether not a little superior in virtue to his father and many others, but he neglected those [things] which lead to philosophy, inasmuch as he was ill-trained in these, because of his father's wealth which made him subject to flattery. But he proposed to himself a holy life, as much as anyone, and practiced many kinds of holy deeds and words not at all less than his father; for I can bear witness of this even as regards Hegias. But Archiadas was exceptionally concerned with having a pure conscience, not less than the philosophers.
So it was possible to perceive everything, but even I myself always perceived that those around him were filled with empty mindless wind. Being full of all kinds of passions not even in the midst of action were they able to persevere in moderate habits. Since their external behavior seemed a watersmeet of evils[1] no different from that of common men. So Diomedes [
Myth][2] himself was corrupted by association with them and having no elevation of nature had become still more subservient to the regulations.[3] Although he was corrupted in his inclination by flatterers, in spite of having been a man with natural ability for philosophy -- which is not harmed or corrupted by any alien evil, but by its own [evil] only, as Socrates said.[4] Therefore the disgrace from within caused the downfall of philosophy. For the man whom they should most have saved and helped towards the best, this one they turned towards pleasures and lifted up to a boastfulness greater than befitted him; they did not see that they were casting themselves down into all dishonor.
Greek Original:*eu)pei/qios kai\ *)arxia/das, du/o ui(oi\ *(hgi/ou. kai\ o( me\n *eu)pei/qios eu)fue/steros e)ge/neto, ta\ de\ h)/qh e)pisesurme/nos e)s i)diwtismo/n, h)/dh de/ ti kai\ a)topw/teron e)/xwn h)\ kata\ i)diw/thn, w(s de\ sullh/bdhn ei)pei=n, pollw=| tou= patro\s a)poleipo/menos: o( de\ *)arxia/das to\ me\n o(/lon tou= patro\s ou)k o)li/gw| diafe/rwn ei)s a)reth\n kai\ tw=n pollw=n, ta\ de\ e)s filosofi/an a)/gonta pareime/nos, a(/te pro\s tau=ta a)na/gwgos w)/n, dia\ th\n ou)k a)kola/keuton patrw/|an ou)si/an, i(era\n de\ zwh\n probeblhme/nos, ei)/per tis e(/teros, kai\ polupeiri/an a)skh/sas i(erw=n e)/rgwn te kai\ lo/gwn ou)de/n ti mei=on tou= patro/s: e)/xw ga\r tou=to kai\ tw=| *(hgi/a| marturei=n. o( de\ *)arxia/das kai\ tou= kaqarou= suneido/tos e)pemelei=to diafero/ntws ou)de\n h(=tton tw=n filosofou/ntwn. h)=n ou)=n ai)sqa/nesqai pa/ntwn, h)|sqano/mhn de\ kai\ au)to\s e(ka/stote tw=n a)mf' au)tw=| kenou= fush/matos a)/neu nou= e)mpiplame/nwn. paqw=n de\ pantoi/wn kata/mestoi o)/ntes ou)de\ e)n me/sois au)toi=s toi=s drwme/nois oi(=oi/ te h)=san h)/qesi metri/ois e)gkarterei=n. e)pei\ ta/ ge e)/cw misga/gkeia kakw=n e)fai/neto mhde\n diafe/rousa th=s tw=n a)gelai/wn a)nqrw/pwn. o( d' ou)=n *diomh/dhs die/fqarto kai\ au)to\s u(po\ th=s sunousi/as kai\ ou)de\n e)/xwn e)/carma fu/sews e)/ti tapeino/teros e)gego/nei pro\s ta\ e)pitatto/mena. kai/toi u(po\ kola/kwn diefqa/rh th\n dia/noian, eu)fuh/s te gegonw\s a)nh\r pro\s filosofi/an, h(\ ou)de\n a)llotri/w| kakw=| bla/ptetai ou)de\ fqei/retai, oi)kei/w| de\ mo/nw|, w(s e)/fh *swkra/ths. dio\ kai\ filosofi/an e)lumh/nato tou=to au)to\ to\ oi)/koqen o)/neidos. o(\n ga\r e)/dei ma/lista diasw/|zein kai\ qerapeu/ein pro\s to\ be/ltiston, tou=ton pro\s h(dona\s a)natre/fontes kai\ metewri/zontes e)s au)/xhma mei=zon h)\ kaq' e(auto/n, e)/laqon e(autou\s e)s pa=san a)timi/an kataba/lontes.
Life of Isidore fr. 223 Asmus, 352-358 Zintzen, 146A and 146E Athanassiadi; cf.
Photius Bibliotheca 349a 24-31. According to Athanassiadi, the Archiadas at
alpha 4102 is a different man.
[1] For this noun in its literal sense, see
mu 1110.
[2] Perhaps a son of Eupeithios or Archiadas (so Athanassiadi).
[3] sc. against pagan religious practices.
[4] See generally
sigma 829.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; imagery; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 December 2006@00:08:49.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 21 December 2006@03:25:48.
David Whitehead (another headword and x-ref) on 21 December 2006@06:59:25.
Catharine Roth (modified note) on 21 December 2006@11:53:45.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; added a note) on 29 June 2009@09:08:14.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 13 November 2012@05:38:56.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 19 February 2018@18:59:31.
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