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Adler number: epsilon,3605
Translated headword: Euxenos, Euxenus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. was someone] not at all serious nor practicing philosophy energetically. For he was subject to his stomach and to sexual desires, and he patterned himself on
Epicurus. He knew the doctrines of
Pythagoras, as birds [know] what they learn from humans. For "rejoice" and "do well" and "Zeus [is] propitious" and such [sayings] the birds declare without knowing what they say, or being well-disposed towards humans, but with their tongues trained.[1] But as the young of eagles fly beside those who gave them birth while their wings are tender, practicing their flying under their care, but when they are able to rise, they fly above their parents, especially when they see them gluttonous and flying towards the earth because of the smell of meat:[2] so also Apollonios attended to Euxenos while he was still a child and was led by him walking towards elementary education, but advancing to the age of 16 he started on the lifestyle of
Pythagoras, fledged for him by someone greater. Not indeed did he cease loving Euxenos, but leading him to a suburb, in which there were tender gardens and springs, he said, "You for your part live in your manner; but I will live in the manner of
Greek Original:*eu)/cenos, ou) pa/nu spoudai=os ou)de\ e)nergw=| th=| filosofi/a| xrw/menos. gastro/s te ga\r h(/ttwn h)=n kai\ a)frodisi/wn, kai\ kata\ to\n *)epi/- kouron e)sxhma/tisto: ta\s de\ *puqago/rou do/cas e)gi/nwsken, w(/sper oi( o)/rniqes, a(\ manqa/nousi para\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn. to\ ga\r xai=re, kai\ to/, eu)= pra/tte, kai\ to/, *zeu\s i(/lews, kai\ ta\ toiau=ta oi( o)/rniqes eu)/xontai ou)/te ei)do/tes o(/ ti le/gousin, ou)/te diakei/menoi pro\s tou\s a)nqrw/pous, a)lla\ e)rruqmisme/noi th\n glw=ttan. o( de\ w(/sper oi( ne/oi tw=n a)etw=n e)n a(palw=| me\n tw=| pterw=| parape/tontai toi=s geiname/nois au)tou/s, meletw/menoi u(p' au)tw=n th\n pth=sin, e)peida\n de\ ai)/resqai du/nantai, u(perpe/tontai tou\s gone/as, a)/llws te ka)\n li/xnous ai)/sqwntai kai\ kni/shs e(/neka pro\s th=| gh=| petome/nous: ou(/tw kai\ o( *)apollw/nios prosei=xe tw=| *eu)ce/nw| pai=s e)/ti kai\ h)/geto u(p' au)tou= bai/nwn e)pi\ tou= lo/gou, proelqw\n de\ e)s e)/tos #2# kai\ i# w(/rmhsen e)pi\ to\n *puqago/rou bi/on pterwqei\s e)p' au)to\n u(po/ tinos krei/ttonos. ou) mh\n to\n *eu)/cenon e)pau/sato a)gapw=n, a)ll' e)s proa/steion, e)n w(=| kh=poi/ te a(paloi\ h)=san kai\ phgai/, tou=ton a)gagw/n, su\ me\n zh=qi, e)/fh, to\n sautou= tro/pon: e)gw\ de\ to\n *puqago/rou zh/somai.
Keywords: biography; botany; children; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 February 2008@01:18:43.
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