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Headword: *eu)nou=xos
Adler number: epsilon,3604
Translated headword: eunuch
Vetting Status: high
"There was a man (if we could grant him to be a man) enfeebled in spirit by the works of Epicurus, and become effeminate,[1] a eunuch[2] and a she-male,[3] who, as if forgetting, came and thrust himself into the megaron, where of course it was lawful for the hierophant only to enter."[4]
"Aristonicus was the eunuch of Ptolemy the king of Egypt, but [he was] manly in behaviour".[5] For more synonyms see in the [entry] a)/rren.[6]
"The emperor Theodosius the small,[7] in anger against Antiochus the praepositus,[8] published a command according to which a eunuch could not become patrician. And the praepositus Antiochus was immediately relieved of his office and his property was confiscated and he was assigned to the priests, having been calumniated into [joining the] clergy."[9]
Greek Original:
*eu)nou=xos: a)nh/r tis h)=n [ei) doi/hmen au)to\n a)/ndra ei)=nai] dia\ tw=n *)epikou/rou lo/gwn th\n yuxh\n e)kneurisqei\s kai\ qh=lus geno/menos, o( xlou/nhs te kai\ gu/nnis, w(/sper e)pilaqo/menos w)/qhsen e(auto\n e)s to\ me/garon fe/rwn, e)/nqa dh/pou tw=| i(erofa/nth| mo/nw| parelqei=n qemito\n h)=n. o(/ti *)aristo/nikos o( tou= *ptolemai/ou tou= basile/ws *ai)gu/ptou eu)nou=xos h)=n, a)ll' a)ndrw/dhs th\n proai/resin. zh/tei kai\ a)/lla ferw/numa e)n tw=| a)/rren. o(/ti o( basileu\s *qeodo/sios o( mikro\s o)rgh=| th=| pro\s *)anti/oxon to\n *praipo/siton e)cefw/nhse dia/tacin, eu)nou=xon e)n toi=s patriki/ois mh\ telei=n. kaqh|re/qh de\ eu)qu\s kai\ o( *praipo/sitos *)anti/oxos th=s timh=s kai\ e)dhmosieu/qh kai\ toi=s i(ereu=si kateta/gh, diablhqei\s ei)s kaqosi/wsin.
This entry is a compilation of three narratives referring to eunuchs; see notes below.
[1] Also at epsilon 512 (q.v.).
[2] chi 349.
[3] gamma 504.
[4] From Aelian fr. 10c Domingo-Forasté (10 Hercher) (De daducho Epicuri praeceptis corrupto); also in the aforementioned entries and delta 6. The passage is quoted also at iota 195 and mu 381.
[5] From Polybius 22.22; also at alpha 3925 (q.v.).
[6] alpha 3822.
[7] i.e. Theodosius II (408-450) theta 145; De Imperatoribus Romanis entry (Geoffrey Nathan) at web address 1.
[8] alpha 2694 (q.v.); also notes 11 and 12 in theta 145.
[9] From Joannes Malalas 361-2; also in pi 793 and upsilon 169.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; philosophy; politics; religion
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 18 August 2007@09:09:47.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 19 August 2007@00:37:16.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 19 August 2007@06:08:00.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 4) on 25 March 2011@23:32:23.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 7 November 2012@09:55:17.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 28 November 2014@11:58:05.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 9 March 2016@08:54:39.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 16 February 2018@16:56:52.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 17 February 2018@00:52:38.


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