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Search results for epsilon,3586 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3586
Translated headword: good fortune
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] good luck.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective]
eu)moiro/teron ["more fortunate"], [meaning] luckier.
"As they were suffering from famine, they cast their unserviceable citizens out into the space between the walls, where they received a more fortunate death at the hands of the enemy."[2]
Damascius [uses]
eu)moiri/a in reference to contemplation and understanding of truth and falsehood.[3]
Greek Original:*eu)moiri/a: eu)klhri/a. kai\ *eu)moiro/teron, eu)tuxe/steron. oi( de\ tou\s a)xrei/ous sfw=n u(po\ tou= limou= piezo/menoi e)ce/balon ei)s to\ mesotei/xion, kai\ e)ktei/nonto eu)moiro/teron u(po\ tw=n polemi/wn. ei)s qe/an kai\ no/hsin tou= a)lhqou=s kai\ yeudou=s, eu)moiri/an. *dama/skios.
[1] Same glossing in
Photius and other lexica.
[2] Appian,
Annibaica 125 Viereck-Roos-Gabba.
Life of Isidore fr.73 Zintzen (32 Asmus); cf.
Bibliotheca 337a 35-36. Athanassiadi on her fr.33B says, "What is really meant by
eu)moiri/a is heavenly grace or
eu)klhri/a, which is the term given as a synonym by the Suda ..." Cf.
eta 451.
Damascius, The Philosophical History. Text with translation and notes by P. Athanassiadi. Athens: Apamea Cultural Association 1999.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 February 2003@20:29:31.
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