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Search results for epsilon,3585 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3585
Translated headword: Eumolpus, Eumolpos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [He was an] Eleusinian, that is to say Athenian,[1] [he was] son of
Musaeus the poet,[2] and according to some, a pupil of Orpheus[3] and an epic poet among those before
Homer.[4] He was also a winner in the Pythian games; for the poets competed [sc. there] in the lyre. This man wrote [poems about] the mystic rites of Demeter and her arrival to Celeus, and the transmission of the mysteries to his daughters,[5] in three thousand verses altogether. [He also wrote]
On Cheiromancy[6] in prose, one book.
Greek Original:*eu)/molpos, *)eleusi/nios h)/toi *)aqhnai=os, ui(o\s *mousai/ou tou= poihtou=, w(s de/ tines maqhth\s *)orfe/ws, e)popoio\s tw=n pro\ *(omh/rou. ge/gone de\ kai\ *puqioni/khs: pro\s lu/ran ga\r e)pedei/knunto oi( poihtai/. ou(=tos e)/graye teleta\s *dh/mhtros kai\ th\n ei)s *keleo\n a)/ficin kai\ th\n tw=n musthri/wn para/dosin, th\n tai=s qugatra/sin au)tou= genome/nhn, e)/ph ta\ pa/nta trisxi/lia. *xeiroskopika\ pezw=s, bibli/on a#.
See also
epsilon 3584,
pi 1465, and Kevin Clinton in OCD(4) s.v. Not to be confused with Eumolpus the son of Poseidon (
beta 357,
delta 1395). See
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
*eu)molpi/dai, according to which Eumolpus was the founder of the Eleusinian mysteries. Also
Photius and
Hesychius s.v.
*eu)molpi/dai, which mention that there were several persons by the name of Eumolpus (cf.
scholia to
Oedipus at Colonus 1053). Other works attributed to Eumolpus are
*bakxika\ e)/ph, bacchic stories (
Diodorus Siculus and
*no/stoi tw=n *(ellh/nwn, home-comings of the Greeks (
scholia to
Olympian 13.31a.2).
Eleusis, originally an independent community in western Attica, was later (by c.700 BCE) subsumed into the emerging polis of
mu 1294. Ιn other traditions (
Diogenes Laertius 1.3.3-12 and
Greek Anthology 7.615)
Musaeus is Eumolpus’ son.
[3] See the seven entries under
omicron 654,
omicron 655,
omicron 656,
omicron 657,
omicron 658,
omicron 659 and
omicron 660.
omicron 251.
[5] This myth, related to the abduction of Persephone, is found in the Homeric
Hymn to Demeter (and
Apollodorus 1.29-32). Celeus, ruler of
Eleusis in the Hymn, accepts the disguised Demeter as a nurse for his son Demophon.
[6] For this genre cf.
alpha 4025,
epsilon 790,
chi 258,
chi 259.
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; epic; geography; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 3 June 2007@18:20:02.
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