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Headword: *eu)lo/fws
Adler number: epsilon,3570
Translated headword: strongly, patiently
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] nobly.
"Contending strongly against his opponents, he demonstrated that the word was true which, according to Xenophon, Socrates spoke to Ischomachos, that it is possible for the good man to be benefited even by those who are trying to harm him."[1]
And elsewhere: "he was evidently enduring the [ascetic] exercise with a strong neck, being neither injured in body nor distressed in soul."[2]
Greek Original:
*eu)lo/fws: gennai/ws. o( de\ pro\s tou\s e)panasta/ntas eu)lo/fws a)gwnisa/menos e)pe/deicen a)lhqh= o)/nta to\n lo/gon, o(\n e)/fh *swkra/thn ei)pei=n o( *cenofw=n pro\s *)isxo/maxon, w(s e)/stin a)/ra to\n a)gaqo\n w)felei=sqai kai\ u(po\ tw=n bla/ptein au)to\n peirwme/nwn. kai\ au)=qis: eu)lo/fw| au)xe/ni th\n a)/skhsin u(pome/nwn e)fai/neto, ou)/te to\ sw=ma kekakwme/nos ou)/te th\n yuxh\n tetalaipwrhme/nos.
Similar entry -- the quotations are briefer -- in ps.-Zonaras.
The headword is an adverb from the adjective eu)/lofos which (in LSJ's sense II s.v.) literally means 'well-necked (sc. for bearing the yoke)'. The adverb occurs in the first quotation, the adjective (in the dative singular) in the second.
The lexicographer might have extracted the adverb from Damascius, though there are instances in (fragments of) Sophocles and Euripides.
[1] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 329 Zintzen (298 Asmus). According to Athanassiadi, the subject is Agapius (alpha 157, alpha 158). In any event the Xenophon passage alluded to is Oeconomicus 1.15. (It was also cited, twice, in Plutarch's treatise How to profit by one's enemies: see Moralia 86C-E.)
[2] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 152 Zintzen (89 Asmus); cf. Photius, Bibliotheca 342a 32-35. The subject is Sallustius (sigma 62, sigma 63), as the Photius passage shows.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; imagery; medicine; philosophy; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 February 2008@00:56:01.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 February 2008@03:18:40.
Catharine Roth (augmented notes) on 1 February 2008@15:59:10.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 7 November 2012@07:36:18.
David Whitehead (expansions to notes; another keyword) on 8 March 2016@04:45:41.


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