[Referring to] a friendly city.
*eu)koli/nh: h( eu)/kolos po/lis.
The headword occurs in (and is very probably quoted from)
Iambi fr. 225 Pfeiffer:
xai=r' *Eu)koli/nh, 'hail, Eukoline'. According to
Etymologicum Magnum s.v. (also in the
Additamenta in Etymologicum Gudianum s.v.),
Callimachus uses the word as an epithet of Hekate (
epsilon 363,
epsilon 364), coined by antiphrasis -- because she is
not good-natured (
Why then does the Suda lexicographer gloss as he does? The reason seems to be that the suffix
-inh is common in city names -- among which Eukoline seems to be mentioned in Herodian (
De prosodia catholica 3.1.333.18) and
Theognostus (
Canones 691.7).
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