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Search results for epsilon,3511 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3511
Translated headword: audit, euthyna
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] an examination. Properly [the one] which the auditors[1] bring in [sc. to court] against those who seem not to have led the city well, or to have served as an envoy badly. And the auditors apportion the jurycourts, and anyone who wants [to do so] makes an accusation; and it is referred to the jurors to punish those who have been convicted.[2]
"Perikles, in charge of the expenditures for the ivory Athena made by Pheidias, overlooked 50 talents, and started the [Peloponnesian] war in order to avoid submitting to an audit."[3]
Greek Original:*eu)/quna: h( eu)qu/nh. kuri/ws h(\n ei)sa/gousin oi( logistai\ pro\s tou\s do/cantas mh\ o)rqw=s a)/rcai th=s po/lews h)\ presbeu=sai kakw=s. kai\ ta\ dikasth/ria me\n oi( logistai\ klhrou=si, kathgorei= de\ o( boulo/menos: kai\ toi=s dikastai=s e)fei=tai tima=sqai toi=s a(lou=sin. o(/ti th=s e)lefanti/nhs *)aqhna=s, h(\n *feidi/as e)poi/hsen, e)pi\ toi=s a)nalw/masi taxqei\s o( *periklh=s kai\ nosfisa/menos n# ta/lanta, i(/na mh\ dw=| ta\s eu)qu/nas, to\n po/lemon e)ki/nhsen.
Keywords: art history; biography; constitution; definition; economics; history; law; military affairs; philosophy; politics
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 28 May 2002@10:38:00.
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