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Search results for epsilon,3505 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3505
Translated headword: direct trial
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When someone [sc. in classical
Athens] presents himself for judgment upon matters about which there has not yet been a jurycourt's verdict, this is called direct trial. For about matters which someone claims he has had judgment, there is appeal to the
paragraphe procedure on these.[1]
"Having not listened to the direct trial, and reasonably [so]: for they were not sitting with a view to giving judgment but in a pretence and facade of jurors".[2]
Greek Original:*eu)qudiki/a: o(/tan ei)sa/ghtai/ tis kriqhso/menos, peri\ w(=n mhde/pw gnw=sis e)ge/neto dikasthri/ou, tou=to eu)qudiki/a kalei=tai. peri\ w(=n ga\r kekri/sqai ti/s fhsi, peri\ tou/twn paragra/fesqai e)fei=tai. ou)k a)kou/santes th=s eu)qudiki/as, kai\ ei)ko/tws: ou) ga\r e)pi\ tw=| dika/zein e)ka/qhnto, a)ll' e)pi\ prosxh/mati kai\ prosw/pw| dikastw=n.
The first part of this entry is also in
Photius, with similar material elsewhere (esp. the
scholia to
Demosthenes 34.4). The headword (a single word in the Greek) occurs in e.g.
Isaeus and
Demosthenes. See generally LSJ s.v.
[1] This procedure, when invoked, interposed another trial (with the defendant now as plaintiff) before the original one. See generally
pi 319,
pi 320.
Aelian fr. 171a Domingo-Forasté (168 Hercher).
Keywords: definition; ethics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 May 2003@04:22:16.
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