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Headword: *eu)qu/dhmos
Adler number: epsilon,3504
Translated headword: Euthydemos, Euthydemus
Vetting Status: high
Teacher of Apollonius of Tyana, from Tarsus of Cilicia.[1] "For Apollonius, advancing into the age for learning grammar, was showing strength in memory and fortitude in studying, and his language was Attic, and he was not corrupted in his speech by his countrymen; and all eyes were directed towards him, for he was also conspicuous in his appearance. When he was 14 years old [his father] brought him to Tarsus of Cilicia, to Euthydemos, who became his teacher.[2] He became attached to his teacher, but he considered the character of the city strange and not good for pursuing philosophy in. For nowhere were people more addicted to luxury -- jokers and brutes all -- and they were more interested in their linens than the Athenians were in wisdom. A river, the Kydnos, flowed through the city, and they used to sit alongside it just like water birds getting drunk on the water.[3] Therefore he transported his teacher, after obtaining leave from his father, to Aigai nearby, where there was peace and quiet conducive to someone intending to philosophize, and the studies more vigorous, and a shrine [sacred] to Asclepius manifest to humans.[4] Here the Platonists began to study philosophy with him, and the followers of Chrysippus and the Peripatetics;[5] nor did he avoid study of the works of Epicurus." And his teacher of the works of Pythagoras [was] Euxenus.[6]
Greek Original:
*eu)qu/dhmos, dida/skalos *)apollwni/ou tou= *tuane/ws, e)k *tarsw=n th=s *kiliki/as. o( ga\r *)apollw/nios proi+w\n ei)s h(liki/an, e)n h(=| suggra/mmata, mnh/mhs te i)sxu\n e)dh/lou kai\ mele/ths kra/tos, kai\ h( glw=tta *)attikw=s ei)=xen, ou)de\ a)ph/xqh th\n fwnh\n u(po\ tou= e)/qnous, o)fqalmoi/ te pa/ntes e)s au)to\n e)fe/ronto: kai\ ga\r peri/bleptos h)=n th\n w(/ran. gegono/ta de\ e)/th id# par' *eu)qu/dhmon a)/gei e)s *tarsou\s th=s *kiliki/as, o(\s tou=ton e)pai/deuen: o( de\ tou= me\n didaska/lou ei)/xeto, to\ de\ th=s po/lews h)=qos a)/topo/n te h(gei=to kai\ ou) xrhsto\n e)mfilosofh=sai: trufh=s te ga\r ou)damou= ma=llon a(/ptontai skwpto/lai te kai\ u(bristai\ pa/ntes kai\ dedw/kasi th=| o)qo/nh| ma=llon h)\ th=| sofi/a| *)aqhnai=oi. potamo/s te au)tou\s diarrei= *ku/dnos, w(=| paraka/qhntai kaqa/per tw=n o)rni/qwn oi( u(gro/tatoi mequ/ontes tw=| u(/dati. meqi/sthsin ou)=n to\n dida/skalon dehqei\s tou= patro\s e)s *ai)ga\s ta\s plhsi/on, e)n ai(=s h(suxi/a te pro/sforos tw=| filosofh/sonti kai\ spoudai\ neanikw/terai kai\ i(ero\n *)asklhpiw=| e)pi/dhlon toi=s a)nqrw/pois. e)ntau=qa cunefiloso/foun me\n au)tw=| *platw/neioi/ te kai\ *xrusi/ppeioi kai\ oi( a)po\ tou= *peripa/tou: ou)de\ tw=n *)epikou/rou lo/gwn a)pespou/daze. dida/skalos de\ h)=n au)tw=| tw=n *puqago/rou lo/gwn *eu)/cenos.
After the opening sentence, the entry is an ever-increasingly loose approximation of Philostratus, Life of Apollonius 1.7 (cf. web address 1). See also alpha 3193, kappa 2613, omicron 80, sigma 689.
[1] Barrington Atlas map 66 grid F3; OCD(4) s.v. The qualifier (repeated in the quotation) is necessary because there was another (lesser) city of that name, in Bithynia.
[2] The orginal here adds more information about Euthydemos: that he was from Phoenicia and that he was a good rhetorician.
[3] A significant compression of the original. After the comparison of the populace to water-birds, Philostratus states that Apollonius chided them in a letter, telling them to stop "getting drunk on the water."
[4] Another misleading compression: Philostratus says "there was a shrine of Asklepios, and Asklepios himself was manifest to humans."
[5] From this point on, the entry becomes more of a sketchy summary than a quotation.
[6] This telescopes several sentences in the original in which it was made clear that Apollonius was particularly interested in the teachings of Pythagoras, but that Euxenos was not an effective teacher.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; clothing; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; history; imagery; medicine; philosophy; religion; rhetoric; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Kenneth Bumbaco on 26 September 2006@05:57:05.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Modified translation, added notes and keywords) on 26 September 2006@05:58:17.
David Whitehead (x-refs; cosmetics; raised status) on 26 September 2006@07:54:13.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 6 November 2012@08:56:49.
David Whitehead (added a note; coding and other cosmetics) on 23 February 2016@05:19:09.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 1 February 2018@01:43:19.
Catharine Roth (updated link) on 8 March 2021@00:45:53.


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