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Search results for epsilon,3493 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3493
Translated headword: good management, orderliness, tidiness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] order.[1]
"A holy and civic-minded story used to be told of the Alexandrians' good management."[2]
Xenophon [writes]: "so Cyrus judged orderliness to be a good habit in the household also. For when anyone asks for anything, it is clear where one must go to get it."[3]
Greek Original:*eu)qhmosu/nh: ta/cis. i(ero\n kai\ politiko\n dih/ghma th=s tw=n *)alecandre/wn eu)qhmosu/nhs e)le/geto. *cenofw=n: kalo\n me\n ou)=n h(gei=to o( *ku=ros kai\ e)n oi)ki/a| ei)=nai e)pith/deuma th\n eu)qhmosu/nhn. o(/tan ga\r ti/s tou de/htai, dh=lo/n e)stin, o(/pou dei= e)lqo/nta labei=n.
[1] Same glossing in
Photius and the
Etymologicum Magnum; see also
theta 78.
Life of Isidore fr. 101 Zintzen (51 Asmus); cf.
Bibliotheca 349b 18.
Cyropaedia 8.5.7 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 January 2008@01:26:11.
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