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Search results for epsilon,3462 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3462
Translated headword: he having condemned their folly
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [eu)hqei/an au)tw=n kategnwkw/s] and eu)hqei/as au)tw=n kategnwkw/s; [they mean] the same.
Greek Original:*eu)h/qeian au)tw=n kategnwkw\s kai\ *eu)hqei/as au)tw=n kategnwkw/s: to\ au)to/.
Feminine accusative singular and feminine genitive singular forms of
eu)h/qeia (cf.
epsilon 3461); the verb
katagignw/skw accepts either construction (LSJ s.v. II).
The entry (which presumably reflects scholarly dispute over a particular passage, not identifiable) is lacking, Adler reports, in mss FV; in ms A it follows
epsilon 3465.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 30 January 2008@20:22:34.
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