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Search results for epsilon,3437 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3437
Translated headword: vigor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] strength of the body.[1]
Vigor is extended health.[2]
Health's acme [is] vigor.[3]
"One would discover in a short time[4] that [the thesis that] 'the greater evil is contrary to the greater good' is not thus, as it appears in [the case] of vigor and health. For what is contrary to the greater good –- and this is debility -– seems to be a lesser evil than disease, which is contrary to health, the lesser good, because all sick people are weak, but not all weak people are already also sick. And the cause of this is that vigor also includes health in itself; for health is vigor.[5] This is why [vigor], which encompasses in itself health also, is a greater good than [health].[6] For added to it is the fact that [vigor] is itself among those things which are preferable in themselves. By contrast, debility no longer encompasses disease in itself, but it exists only where vigor of health was [previously] present.[7] But disease on the other hand encompasses debility, for disease arises on top of debility, just as vigor also [arises] on top of health."
Greek Original:*eu)eci/a: eu)rwsti/a sw/matos. *eu)eci/a de/ e)stin e)pitetame/nh u(gei/a. a)kro/ths u(gei/as eu)eci/a. o(/ti to\ tw=| mei/zoni a)gaqw=| e)nanti/on mei=zo/n e)sti kako/n, e)p' o)li/gon a)/n tis eu(/roi tou=to mh\ e)/xon ou(/tws. w(s dokei= e)pi\ th=s eu)eci/as e)/xein kai\ th=s u(gei/as. to\ ga\r tw=| mei/zoni a)gaqw=| e)nanti/on [tou=to de/ e)stin h( kaxeci/a] e)/latton ei)=nai dokei= kako\n th=s no/sou, h(/tis e)nanti/a e)sti\ th=| u(gei/a|, tw=| e)la/ttoni a)gaqw=|, tw=| tou\s me\n nosou=ntas pa/ntas kaxektei=n, ou) pa/ntas de\ tou\s kaxektou=ntas h)/dh kai\ nosei=n. to\ de\ ai)/tion tou=to/ e)stin, o(/ti h( me\n eu)eci/a periei/lhfen e)n au(th=| kai\ th\n u(gei/an: e)/sti ga\r h( u(gei/a eu)eci/a. dio\ perie/xousa e)n au(th=| kai\ th\n u(gei/an h( mei=zon au)th=s a)gaqo/n: pro/sesti ga\r au)th=| to\ ei)=nai au)th\n tw=n di' au)th\n ai(retw=n. h( de\ kaxeci/a ou)ke/ti e)n au(th=| perie/xei th\n no/son, a)ll' e)/sti mo/nw| e)kei/nw|, e)n w(=| u(ph=rxen h( eu)eci/a th=s u(gei/as: h( de\ no/sos e)n au)th=| pa/lin perie/xei th\n kaxeci/an: e)pi\ ga\r kaxeci/a| gi/netai no/sos, w(s kai\ h( eu)eci/a e)pi\ th=| u(gei/a|.
cf. generally
epsilon 3435,
epsilon 3436.
[1] Same glossing in
Photius and other lexica.
[2] Similarly (but more briefly) in
Hesychius epsilon6790.
[3] Cf. Galen,
Thrasybulus 5.816.18
[4] This (up to the end of the entry) is taken from Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle’s Topics 20.21-21.4. Alexander is commenting on
Topica 157b14-24, where
Aristotle argues that the greater the good, the greater the evil (its contrary), except in the case where one of the two goods involves the other. So health, which is a lesser good than vigor, has a greater evil (disease) as its contrary.
[5] Alexander says, "vigor is health" (
e)/sti ga\r u(gei/a h( eu)eci/a).
[6] In this sentence the Suda has a stray definite article
h( which is not in the text of Alexander.
[7] The text of Alexander reads
e)n w(=| u(perei=xen h( eu)eci/a th=s u(gei/as "where 'vigor' had a wider extension than 'health.'"
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 24 January 2004@19:08:39.
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