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Search results for epsilon,3406 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3406
Translated headword: happy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is rich,[1] one who is virtuous.
"[It is] completely necessary that good people should be better off in Hades, and that bad people should be worse off. I think that even for those still spending time here a happy gratification will follow upon the just people and that an unhappy vengeance will follow upon the bad people."[2]
Greek Original:*eu)dai/mwn: o( plou/sios, o( e)na/retos. pa=sa a)na/gkh toi=s me\n a)gaqoi=s e)n a(/|dou e)/sesqai a)/meinon, toi=s de\ kakoi=s ka/kion. oi)=mai de\ o(/ti kai\ e)nqa/de e)/ti diatri/bousi, toi=s me\n dikai/ois a)kolouqh/sein eu)dai/mona xa/rin, toi=s de\ a)di/kois kakodai/mona ti/sin.
Keywords: definition; economics; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 31 October 2000@13:24:59.
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