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Search results for epsilon,3351 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3351
Translated headword: well
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] finely.[1]
"Her lover was a Roman, called Appius, one of the well born."[2]
Greek Original:*eu)=: kalw=s. e)ra=| au)th=s a)nh\r *(rwmai=os, *)/appios o)/noma, tw=n eu)= gegono/twn.
[1] From the
scholia to
Iliad 1.19, where the headword occurs. (Similarly in other lexica, including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon.)
[2] Attributed by Gaisford to Appian, but nowadays established as
Aelian fr. 263 Domingo-Forasté (265 Hercher). For the aristocratic Appii (Claudii) see also
alpha 3199,
alpha 3212,
lambda 520,
nu 469,
tau 615.
Keywords: biography; definition; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 May 2003@03:28:16.
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