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Search results for epsilon,3294 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3294
Translated headword: different-faced phalanx
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['Different-faced phalanx'] is the name [of a formation] which marches out with the leading half having [sc. men] on the left battle-order -- that is, the leaders from the left -- but the leaders of the remaining half on the right battle-order.
Greek Original:*(etero/stomos fa/lagc kalei=tai, h(/tis poreu/etai, to\ me\n h(gou/menon h(/misu e)/xousa e)n eu)wnu/mw| paragwgh=|: toute/sti tou\s h(gemo/nas e)c eu)wnu/mou, tou= de\ loipou= h(mi/sews tou\s h(gemo/nas e)n decia=| paragwgh=|.
Keywords: definition; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 January 2008@05:02:37.
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