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Search results for epsilon,3267 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3267
Translated headword: o comrade
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Plato[1] and the other philosophers used to call the genuine lovers of words 'comrades'; it was in imitation of them that Julian[2] used to call everyone 'comrades' in his gatherings, not making a show of himself on account of his royalty.
Greek Original:*(etai=re: o( *pla/twn kai\ oi( a)/lloi filo/sofoi tou\s gnhsi/ous e)rasta\s tw=n lo/gwn e(tai/rous e)ka/loun: ou(\s e)mimei=to *)iouliano\s e(tai/rous pa/ntas kalw=n e)n tai=s sunousi/ais, ou)k a)pauqadizo/menos th=| basilei/a.
A paraphrase of an anonymous scholium to the second oration
Against Julian by Gregory of Nazianzus (PG 36.1256bc). The headword is vocative case (also at
tau 67) of the noun
e(tai=ros, for which cf.
epsilon 3274.
pi 1707,
pi 1709.
iota 437.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 February 2008@12:23:11.
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