[Meaning he/she/it] put a stop to.[1]
Thucydides [writes]: "the triremes sailing into Egypt held alongside the Mendesian arm [sc. of the Nile]."[2]
Aelian: "for they did not hold [it within themselves] to refuse the order."[3] Meaning they were unable [to do so].
*)/esxe: kate/pause. *qoukudi/dhs: ai( de\ trih/reis ple/ousai ei)s *ai)/gupton e)/sxon kata\ to\ *mendh/sion ke/ras. kai\ *ai)liano/s: ou) ga\r e)/sxon a)nh/nasqai to\ pro/stagma. a)nti\ tou= h)dunh/qhsan.
[1] =
Synagoge epsilon882;
Lexicon epsilon2051. Evidently quoted from somewhere, the headword -- aorist indicative active, third person singular, of
e)/xw -- is glossed here with a verb that is, strictly speaking, transitive, and which has a sense that the headword can indeed possess ('held' in the sense of 'checked', 'prevented'). The Suda then adds, however, two quotations that illustrate different, intransitive uses of the headword verb.
Thucydides 1.110.4 (web address 1). Here the verb is intransitive (in the sense of 'held their position' or, in naval terms, 'put in')
Aelian fr. 47 Hercher (50f Domingo-Forasté), quoted more fully at
alpha 2417. Here the verb appears in a common idiom
e)/xw + infinitive, meaning 'have [it in one's self] to...' or, more idiomatically in English 'be able to...'.
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