[Meaning] the labia of the female genitals.
*)esxa/rai: ta\ xei/lh tou= gunaikei/ou ai)doi/ou.
Knights 1286, with the gloss from the
scholia there.
The precise connotations of the headword are not self-evident: J. Henderson,
The Maculate Muse (New Haven 1975) 143 #164 sees an allusion to cunnilingus but mentions an alternative: 'to derive the comparison from
e)sxa/ra in its meaning of "scab" or "eschar" (as at Pl[ato] Com[icus] 184.4); this would thus be either simply a disgusting image or an actual reference to venereal disease, both not inappropriate for this description of the unspeakable Ariphrades [
alpha 3940]. Whichever derivation we choose,
e)sxa/ra as labia seems to have been a common term'.
For other senses of
e)sxa/ra see
epsilon 3242,
epsilon 3243,
epsilon 3245, and cf.
epsilon 3246.
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